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When we opened MODSquad our children were five and two and surprisingly needed less of us then they do now at eleven and eight. And so, we will close this chapter to begin another. Danielle is excited to augment her top-notch legal, business, and non-profit skills by pursuing a certificate in Entrepreneurship; and Sekai and Mahdia are looking forward to attending school in English and French, riding bikes, and dinner together most every night.

It is our hope that a bike shop will continue to serve South Harlem from our location at Frederick Douglass Boulevard. At this point we cannot say who that will be but we have high hopes that this will happen.

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We want to thank all of you who have been loyal and faithful customers, patient with our mistakes, and confident that our hearts were always in the right place. Stop by to say good-bye sometime the 31st.

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    MODSquad is going riding. Route map. Ride starts at sharp from Wassaic Metro-North station so that we can return in time for the back to NY.

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    Anyone who can complete the ride in the 4 hours is welcome to join. Contact info[at]modsquadcycles. Herausgeber: FID Verlag. Sie können den kostenlosen E-Mail-Newsletter jederzeit wieder abbestellen. Besser schlafen: So lernt Ihr Kind im eigenen Bett zu schlafen. So helfen Sie Ihrem Kind seine Konzentration zu verbessern. Schulwechsel: Wann er sinnvoll sein kann und wann eher nicht.

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